
GAMSAT Section 1 Question Log

Optimise your Section1 prep with our Question Log. Keep track of progress and use the evidence to improve your interpretation of poetry, cartoons, technical text, and diagrams.
Published on
October 23, 2019

A major component of getting a high GAMSAT score is identifying and focusing on areas of weakness. Every student knows that GAMSAT practice questions are important in their GAMSAT study. However, GAMSAT Section 1 remains a challenging area for many. 

Using a log to keep track of your progress as you work through GAMSAT Section 1 practice questions will yield a huge benefit to your GAMSAT preparation. GAMSAT Section 1 assesses you in the interpretation of various domains including poetrycartoons, technical text and diagrams. For instance, let’s say you are using a practice ACER test for GAMSAT Section 1 practice questions. In your log, tag questions by type to help reveal particular skews or biases in your thinking. You can use the evidence of your log to rectify areas of concern to achieve a high Section 1 score

To be a strong GAMSAT student, you should be aware of your most precious resource – time. A question log will manifest in huge dividends because you can appropriately allocate your time to optimise exam performance.

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