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GAMSAT Syllabus for 2024

Published on
May 12, 2024

Welcome to our comprehensive guide on the GAMSAT syllabus! If you're planning to take the GAMSAT, you're likely aware that it's not just another exam. The GAMSAT is a test that goes beyond mere fact-recall and instead challenges your understanding, analytical skills, and critical thinking.

Is there a syllabus for the GAMSAT?

The short answer is no, not in the traditional sense. Unlike other standardized tests that come with a fixed syllabus, the GAMSAT tests a broad range of skills and knowledge areas. This makes it all the more important to have a structured approach to your preparation.
However, we've taken the initiative to analyse years' worth of GAMSAT questions to draft a comprehensive syllabus for Sections 1, 2, and 3, providing you with a targeted roadmap for your studies.

GAMSAT Study Syllabus for 2024

Remember having a solid idea of the GAMSAT Syllabus will help you have a laser focus approach which is very crucial in GAMSAT Prep.

GAMSAT Section 1 Syllabus

While there is no set ‘GAMSAT Syllabus,’ there is a targeted approach to studying Section 1 that we at Fraser’s have tested and refined over the last 12 years. The difficulty with Section 1 is reading comprehension. When one reads a passage and picks an answer, one rarely thinks analytically about the mechanical processes that underpin one’s decision-making choices. 

We have created a Section 1 checklist, or syllabus, that will strategically allow you to build the comprehension skills that people often need to work on. Our Section 1 GAMSAT syllabus lies under three domains:

  • Understanding the Question Design: Know what each question aims to test.
  • Taking a Strategic Approach: Learn how to sift through the information effectively.
  • Understanding the Prompts: Become proficient in dissecting the questions to understand what they're really asking.

Download our complete GAMSAT Syllabus to get deeper insight into the domains and also the curriculum we use at Fraser’s to navigate Section 1 of GAMSAT.


GAMSAT Section 2 Syllabus

ACER distinctly rewards three broad categories in their marking for GAMSAT Section 2. These are Ideas, Structure and Expression. These categories are reflected in the Section 2 syllabus we have designed. By taking you stepwise through each part of the ” rubric ” you should have the ability to build deep and meaningful Section 2 essays.

Section 2 Syllabus Checklist

Quote Analysis Themes Building a Coherent Response Effective Expression

General Theme

  • Basic Assumptions
  • The spectrum of views within the quotes
  • Simple tricks to generate ideas (for, against, switching the keywords around, etc)


  • Human History

Essay Styles

  • Argumentative
  • Personal
  • Expository
  • Creative
  • Meta-Modelling

Techniques For Expressive Writing

  • The basics of content and grammar
  • Using ideas appropriately and when
  • Mindful pauses (using punctuation

Single Quote Response

  • Hyper-analysis - words/connotations
  • Best single quote response styles
  • Is it better to respond to all quotes



  • CBT
  • Neuropsychology

Try each style Internal Structure

  • How to write a good plan (S3 and C3)
  • Compare and contrast
  • Before and after

Essay Comparisons

  • Differences between good and great essays
  • What your markers are looking for
  • The difference between a shallow analysis and a response depth



  • Different ways of living - hunter-gatherer, agrarian etc. Link to the development of politics and the form of rule





  • Orthodoxy 101
  • Capitalism- its effects
  • Taxation
  • Banking System- What is money
  • Schools of thought





  • Colonialism and its impact
  • Structural violence
  • Modern cultural appropriation - white people using the brown skin emoji (is it okay?)





  • Socialism vs Conservative
  • Nationalism vs Patriotism
  • Liberalism




GAMSAT Section 3 Syllabus

As you go about studying for Section 3, you need to avoid falling into the content trap of pouring over facts, rules, and theorems. Without doubt the GAMSAT Australia structure will punish you for rigid frameworks in your approach and understanding of scientific concepts. With that in mind there is an amount of concepts that need to be covered in order to maximise your familiarity with GAMSAT exam questions. We have constructed a comprehensive GAMSAT preparation book for Biology, Chemistry, Physics, and Maths.

GAMSAT Math and Physics Syllabus Checklists

GAMSAT Math Syllabus GAMSAT Physics Syllabus

The Basics

  • Adding and subtracting
  • Multiplying and dividing
  • Algebra and ratios

Forces and Motion

  • Vector and scalers
  • Origins and types of forces
  • Linear Motion
  • 2D Motion
  • Circular Motion

The Middle Ground

  • Powers / roots
  • Logs / exponentials
  • Scientific notation
  • Rounding and errors
  • Trigonometry and symmetry
Energy & Materials

  • Mass, energy, conservation
  • Potential & kinetics
  • Springs & pressure
  • Gasses and liquids in physics
  • Solid materials

"Probably" the Higher Ground

  • Probability and statistics

Equilibrium & Statics

  • Work
  • Torque
  • Mechanical advantage


Applications of Forces and Motion

  • Momentum & impulse
  • Applied Circular Motion
  • Biomechanics
  • Bodily fluids/ pneumatics


Light & Sound

  • Mirrors & optics
  • The EM Spectrum and radiation (Nuclear physics)
  • Sound Intensity


Electricity & Magnetism

  • Origins of charge and electrical forces
  • Basics of circuits
  • Applied Circuits

GAMSAT Biology and Chemistry Syllabus Checklists

GAMSAT Chemistry Syllabus GAMSAT Biology Syllabus

Fundamental Chemistry

  • Atomic structure
  • Periodic table
  • Electronic configuration
  • Intramolecular bonding I
  • Intermolecular bonding
  • Stoichiometry & conservation

Cellular Biology

  • Cells and cell types
  • Cellular physiology
  • Cellular transport &

Organic Chemistry 101

  • Molecules and shape
  • Intramolecular bonding II
  • Families of molecules
  • The main functional groups
  • Naming and IUPAC

Animals and Cells

  • Single cell exceptions
  • Cellular analogy
  • Physiological analogy

Physical Chemistry 101

  • Gas behaviour
  • Liquid behaviour
  • Solid behaviour
  • Colligative properties of phases

Biological Biochemistry

  • Central dogma of Biomolecules
  • Cellular metabolism
  • Cellular catabolism

Thermodynamics & Kinetics

  • Modes / types of energy
  • Internal energy, heat and work
  • Overview of the laws of Thermodynamics
  • Enthalpy
  • Entropy
  • Gibb's free energy
  • Reaction rate
  • Rate constant
  • Rate expression


  • DNA, RNA and Replication
  • Genes / Genotype and Phenotype
  • Modes of inheritance
  • Epigenetics

Equilibrium and REDOX

  • Equilibrium expression
  • K vs Q
  • Le Chateliers Principle
  • Kc, Kp, Ksp
  • Determining REDOX
  • Half Equations and the ECS

Population Health

  • Medical Epidemiology
  • Statistical Inference

Acid/Base Chemistry

  • Definitions
  • Strength vs stuff
  • Applications of Equilibrium
  • Electrochemistry, K & Gibbs
  • Henderson Hasselbach Isomerism & Equivalent Structures
  • Structural
  • Geometric
  • Stereochemistry
  • Inorganic Isomerism and Prochirality
  • Benzene
  • Effects of Functional groups on Benzene

Systems Biology

  • The immune system
  • The nervous system
  • The endocrine system
  • The circulatory system
  • The respiratory system
  • The excretory system
  • The musculoskeletal system

Common Chemical Reactions

  • Functional groups and reactions
  • Basic reactions
  • Reactions of Benzene


Obscure Chemical Reactions

  • Modifying functionality
  • Rearrangements
  • Non-standard naming


Biochemistry and Analytical

  • Biochemistry 101
  • Reactions in Biology
  • Rates of reaction
  • Basic Spectroscopy
  • Advanced Spectroscopy & separations science



There is no strict time limit or overarching structure that you should adhere to but you should really aim to have ticked off most of these areas before March or September. In particular, don’t neglect the topics in Section 2 (many students rush into Section 3) remember you stand to improve your writing the most.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

How to Prepare for the GAMSAT?

A structured approach is key to GAMSAT success. Organizing your study around a detailed syllabus helps you manage time and focus on areas that need improvement. For a quick start guide, read Getting Started on GAMSAT Prep: 5 Key Things to Know.

What level of science do you need for the GAMSAT?

To succeed in the GAMSAT, it is important to have year 12 academic knowledge in GAMSAT Physics and university-level knowledge in GAMSAT Chemistry and Biology.

How Can I Study for the GAMSAT with No Science Background? 

Don't worry if you come from a non-science background, you can still excel in the GAMSAT. In fact, your background might give you an edge in Sections 1 and 2, which focus on humanities and written communication. 

However, Section 3 does require some scientific knowledge. You'll benefit from a structured study plan that covers key concepts in biology, chemistry, and physics. It's critical to balance your time between understanding these concepts and practice GAMSAT questions to get comfortable with the exam's logic.

Do You Need Chemistry for the GAMSAT?

Chemistry makes up about 40% of Section 3, so it's essential but not in the way you might think. GAMSAT doesn't test your rote memorization of chemistry facts; instead, it assesses how well you apply chemistry concepts in problem-solving scenarios. 

For example, you won't be directly asked about electron configurations. Instead, you might be asked to determine a particular electron configuration amongst unfamiliar information or graphs, which requires critical thinking and deductive skills, as well as a basic understanding of electron configuration.

Is Maths Important for GAMSAT Section 3?

Many students underestimate the importance of mathematics when it comes to the GAMSAT exam. While it's true that there are no explicit mathematics questions on the GAMSAT, ignoring maths would be a grave oversight. Why? Because maths is essentially the language of scientific analysis.

For excelling in Section 3, maths holds a pivotal role. Learn how maths can be your secret weapon for a strong Section 3 performance.

What Should I Read Next?

Now that you have successfully acquainted yourself with all of the different content you could possibly need to know for GAMSAT, see our article on the best strategies for GAMSAT preparation.

If you want to learn more about the format of the GAMSAT, now that the test has moved online, click on our GAMSAT COVID: Major Changes article.

Or alternatively, If you want to get started with some of the free resources that we offer at Fraser’s, click here.

Good luck and we hope you find our guide useful in your GAMSAT prep process!

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